Commercial and residential landlords have seen their vacancy rates increase dramatically over the last three months. Demand for office space and apartment rentals has dropped. What is a landlord to do? Leasing incentives are now the talk of the town; free rent, fresh paint, new carpeting are just a few. Some landlords will be offering free trips to Hawaii, leases on automobiles and dinners at the best restaurants. Vacant space produces zero income for landlords. This is no longer a
'sellers or landlord' market it is a 'buyers or tenants market'. As you drive or walk down the streets of your city, look for 'free rent' or 'for lease' signs. I am sure there is a shortage of signs today.
Random thoughts...Citi and JPM moved up their earnings reports to this week...the news will not be promising...Steve Jobs is now on a medical leave from Apple....the big story is the second $350 Billion of the TARP...how will it be used....who will benefit...watch out for the government getting too involved in business....Obama in a few days....lets be hopeful...
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