President Obama has the power to change the course of the Great Recession of 2008-9 by following these steps:
1. Suspend the accounting rule of Mark-to-Market for two years. This will take the pressure off of the various financial institutions that have seen their Balance Sheet collapse.
2. Suspend Capital Gain taxes for any individual buying United States stocks in 2009. Give the American people a chance to invest in their country and keep 100% of all gains so that they can recoup some of their losses.
3. Use the rest of the TARP money to make sure that the banking system doesn't fail. There are a number of reasonable plans to remove the 'toxic assets' from the books of major banking institutions. Make a decision by Monday on whichever method will satisfy the financial community.
4. State that the US Government will not dilute any Senior Corporate bonds in any restructuring of a non-bankrupt Corporation. In addition, instruct the Federal Reserve to begin purchasing investment grade Corporate bonds next week (at least $500 Billion).
5. Force General Motors into a pre-packaged bankruptcy that is financially supported by the government. Inform Chrysler that they are on their own.
Mr. President, if you take these steps within days you will create a stock market rally of 25%.
In addition, you will stop the downward spiral in the world's economies. People around the world will have confidence in your ability to lead and to create confidence. It is time to lead us out of this great recession.
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