What would you rather own in 2009, the debt or equity of a major corporation? When a corporation files bankruptcy (as the Chicago Tribune did yesterday) the equity is completely wiped out. As in Lehman Brothers, all of the equity became worthless.
Debt holders are either secured or unsecured. Unsecured bonds are usually worth about 25%-50% of original value in bankruptcy. Secured bonds have a better chance of total recovery. In previous blogs, I have written about the lack of liquidity in the bond market which leads to very cheap prices for bonds. As we countdown the last three weeks of 2008, the debate over debt vs. equity will grow more intense. Will the Federal government rescue GM? What will happen to the equity and debt holder?
Random thoughts...The Governor of Illinois is indicted for trying to profit from his job of appointing a successor to Obama...Wow...Was he trying to get $$$ from Jesse
Jackson?...the market acted very well today in the face of horrible news...the tape is beginning to look better and better...hopefully a close above 9,000 by Friday...if not, hopefully volatility eases....
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