With two days left in 2008, we can definitively say that the 'Demand' for products and services has declined precipitously in the last three months. This decline in 'Revenue' for industry will continue for at least the next three months. With a total lack of demand, what about supply? There is still a ten month supply of unsold homes!! I bet there is a huge supply of ' IPHONES', 'Flat-Screen TVs', and 'RIMM' products sitting on the shelves of various retailers. It is clear that Manufacturing companies are cutting production as fast as they can. Therefore, Unemployment will probably be in the range of 8%-9% by April 2009.
Random thoughts....the euro and the british pound are approaching parity...they both will be weak in the next few months....best picture of 2008....the Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons....Madoff is hoping for an insanity defense....two more days for tax selling...lets not forget the January effect (hint...tomorrow's blog)......watch for the Indy Mac sale to mark another bottom in markets (this could happen today)...
I love the windmill as the choice photo for this blog...it's like a 'tick tock' roundabout moment...and we're at a standstill. Yikes to the forthcoming unemployment rise...but it's expected. :(
cool blog
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